taking a little time off
I'll still be posting every once in awhile, but mostly pictures
so be sure to take a peek (^.^)
Friday, August 31, 2007
some sort of break
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
A short introduction
During a visit to Granddad's office, Montana fell in love with a wooden family of four (Dr. Granddad is a psychologist and has assorted toys that he uses for play therapy). She spotted a similar looking family at a toy shop the next day, and here they are: The Merkurs.
The Merkurs enjoy their after-lunch stroll over by the rocks where the little boy Giant plays.
It was a challenge to interrupt play on a bright and beautiful day but I managed to grab this shot. (^o^)
Reminds me of our family portrait of chaos taken last year:
This was the best we could do. Really.
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Labels: everything else, Seagrape, us
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
under the lifeguard station
You know summertime is too hot to handle when you take your three year old to the beach and the first thing he does is seek shelter from the morning sun.
This is all we brought home from Saturday's book sale plus Dave's pile of fiction and for dummies books. We were hoping to find The Meanest Doll in the World (for the girls) and Gideon the Cutpurse (for a friend) but the shelves were almost all empty. Maybe our next trip to a used book shop would yield more interesting finds.
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
sweet Saturday
The end of the first school week was followed by a delightfully slow Saturday morning.
After some snuggles and plenty of good morning kisses, we enjoyed a wonderfully unhurried breakfast and chatted quite a bit.
Then we walked outside and saw car after car parked in front of our house. Turns out there was an estate sale across the street, we sat on the grass and watched folks come and go.
The children played with lizards and spotted one shedding its skin. They watched as a family of wasps built a nest with lots of little holes that looked like teeny-tiny bedrooms.
A mid-morning swim was part of the day's plan; but instead we attacked the last day of a local bookstore's going out of business sale.
I am finally getting good at cooking good looking pancakes. These pancakes look so much better than these. Don't you think?
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Labels: everything family, food, Seagrape
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Maku, you did good.
let's celebrate with your favorite treat....
lightly fried calamari...
with oh so spicy...
marinara sauce.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
school again
Monday was Snow's first day of school. The house was filled with back-to-school excitement, first-day jitters and little-brother screams of sister please stay.
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Labels: my bomboms, Seagrape
Monday, August 20, 2007
three ducklings
While I was doing some shopping by myself at my favorite store without my cute little ducklings following me single file, Dave was doing some baking with three little ducklings jumping in to mix and stir, measure and pour.
"Quack, quack! My turn, my turn!" they cried one after the other. That thought brought a smile on my face while I happily examined every fragile item in the store. It was such a luxury to hear only my thoughts, the heavy afternoon rain and the cash register occasionally spitting out receipts.
Less than an hour later I was back home and with keys still in my hand, I was greeted at the door by three merry ducklings and each one had something to say:
"Dad tried to call you and he called himself! Instead of calling you he called the phone on the table."
Ah, but that was my phone and I am glad I didn't bring it with me.
"We heard the thunder and we thought you got hit by lightning."
I heard the thunder too and wondered if you were outside playing.
"The brownies are not ready yet. We're waiting for the buzzer."
I know about the buzzer.
I listened intently to each one since I wasn't given a moment to speak, I just greeted each one with a long, tight hug. Then I led my ducklings (and big daddy duck) into the pond while I savored more quiet time, this time with warm brownies, a nice hot cuppa and the sound of happy duck quacks.
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Labels: everything family, Seagrape
Thursday, August 16, 2007
two days in new york, part 2
nice brunch
chased pigeons at the park
posed next to a blue pig
toy shop
acquired the Merkurs (who will be given a proper introduction soon)
Frowny was introduced to Granddad
easier than words to a 7 year old
by the end of the afternoon we were in a pirate ship up in the sky
and with great concern, the captain was studying yet another copy of what he calls The Plane's Options of Doom!
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Labels: on vacation, Seagrape
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
two days in new york, part 1
MoMA: Museum of Modern Art
where we paid our respects to Vincent van Gogh's, The Starry Night.
Then we walked about and posed next to our other favorites:
Snow's pick: Anselm Kiefer, Wooden Room. "I want to take this home, Mommy. So I can draw furniture and people in it."
one of Maku's many favorites: Marc Chagall, I and the Village.
of course, Dave's: Carroll Dunham, Ship.
and mine: Henri Matisse, Dance (I).
and MoMA's recent acquisition: Seagrape, Untitled.
After a four hour tour we headed out to the gardens to see more sculptures.....ahhhh.....yawn.....must collapse now. ~.~
A quick pretzel fix later, we started our stroll down 5th avenue to Rockefeller Center to see the golden statue of Prometheus and to see some happy, familiar faces.
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Labels: on vacation, Seagrape
Friday, August 10, 2007
all packed up
We are flying to New York tonight to visit Granddad. Sunday has all her essentials stuffed in a tiny suitcase: New York guide books, her clothes, blankie, pillow, scarf, her lovey, and a brush -- because you should never share your hairbrush.
Here is a peek at the New York City Guide Book, on the bottom left is the Brooklyn Brewery Logo which made it on the first page. There is the Empire State building, Statue of Liberty, pigeons, the subway, a hot dog stand and garbage - lots of garbage.
Sunday found us in New York seven years ago and she is as excited as we are to visit home, a seasoned traveler, she knows to bring only one suitcase and one carry on.
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Labels: on vacation, Seagrape
Thursday, August 9, 2007
fairy spot
The summer I was ten, my younger sister and I had a fairy spot; our own private place to enjoy early morning picnics and lounge away hot afternoons. After sharing this memory with my little ones, it didn't surprise me that they wanted a fairy spot of their own -- right away!
We filled our water bottles, started our quest, and after a short bike ride we found a small dried up pond. Wandering past the pond, we were greeted by this charming little creek.
Our fairy spot. It's actually a drainage canal, but it's a charming one at that.
My first fairy spot was on my grandmother's balcony where I had a grand view of a three-thousand-somethin' foot high volcano and every morning I was greeted by the sound of roosters, the clear rays of the rising sun, and the dewy smell of vast rice fields. Sure it's beyond comparing to a landscaped drainage ditch, but the intention is there, the mood, the company.
They are both simple and carefree, both excellent and delightful in every way.
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Labels: everything family, Seagrape
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Last week, Maku won some sort of ring toss game at a birthday party. The prize was a bright green ball. Greenball!
Greenball has been taken along on short trips and outings; I suppose showing the little fella around is Maku's way of expressing his satisfaction and appreciation--or simply his way of boasting and puffing himself up with pride.
I have developed a strong liking for this ball. Not only is it my son's current favorite possession, my favorite shade of green, and a handy toy to have, but it also photographs very well.
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Labels: every other thing, Seagrape