Friday, November 21, 2008

some kind of pinocchio

Yesterday was one of those days when it seemed like the whole day was spent driving the children around town. Almost always one of them manages to make the ride a little exciting.
"Mom! What am I going to do?!? Oh no, I am going to be like this forever."
I glanced at the rearview mirror.
"Okay, calm down. I'll get it unstuck as soon as we get off the car. But I have to take a picture first."


Anonymous said...

Ha ha...! good pic!

Blur Ting said...

Oh no, what did you do to make him unstuck? Apply oil? But what a story! cute little Maku.

Unknown said...

i was going to put some oil or lotion but he got it unstuck right after i took the photo :)

The World According To Me said...

Funny! But I'm glad he managed to unstick it!

suesun said...

this made me laugh out loud...... something I haven't done while reading a blog post in a long, long time.
Amazing photos.