Maku's hair was looking dry and frizzy before our trip to Buffalo; the solution (or so I thought) was to give it a trim.
I grabbed a pair of scissors, pulled a section of his hair between my fingers, and started cutting. Several snips later his hair was looking like Sheena Easton's (yes, it was that awful). I panicked and asked Dave to help (big mistake!).
He ran a pair of clippers through my poor boy's hair like he was trimming a hedge. When there was barely enough hair to fix he stopped and suggested I take Maku to a barber.
I took him the next morning, camera in hand, but no pictures were taken. I ended up sitting on a barber's chair wrapped in a cape that smelled like a mixture of Pinaud and Barbasol while Sheena...er, I mean Maku, was on my lap getting his hair fixed.
It has been a month since the tragic trimming of the tresses and his curls are now slowly growing back.
And look what I found while I was looking for a curly headshot:

Maku having a go at his stomp rockets.

Very amusing tale! I can imagine the panic though!
Looks like he's having fun in those pictures.
I hope to see those beautiful curls again! I can tell you, that head of hair is going to melt many women's hearts when he grows up. What am I talking about? he's already doing that....
Ha! Sheena Easton eh? Did she really look that bad??? LOL well hair does grow back..and yes.. do NOT let the Foul Bastard near those shears again!
You know, I could really use one of those stomp-cannon things.
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