Thursday, June 18, 2009

oh so thoughtful

Whenever there is an occasion for gift-giving, my 11 year old niece, Jin, never asks me what I want. She sits with me and we talk- a lot, about anything and everything. Our conversation a few days ago was about entering middle school; I talked to her about what to expect, and it led to a discussion of that expected thing every girl gets at an unexpected time. I suggested keeping a pouch in her book bag that has all the necessary items. So for my birthday, she gave me this snake. It's a tampon holder. She designed and made it all by herself. I call it John the Tampon-Eating Python. It rhymes. :)

And this is what she gave me for Christmas last year. A bed for my phone. This is where my phone rests, recharges, and waits to wake me early in the morning. I remember talking to her about making a cell phone bed, and she made one just for me! The bed matches my night table and the fuzzy pillow and sheets match my linens -white and a dreamy blue.


fechysue said...

what a fun idea with that snake. you have a very creative niece !!

Blur Ting said...

Oh, she's such a sweetie! And so talented too. I won't even how how to get started on things like that!

*****Dora:o)***** said...

Shellso, now I've seen it, I do understand now hot it fits...I want one too! Tell Jin, it's really cute and creative.

The World According To Me said...

What a thoughtful and creative young girl.

Mary Smith said...

That tampon holder is priceless!!!