Sunday, May 3, 2009

sunday fishing

you just know it's going to be a fine day when you're the first car on the draw bridge
and then greeted by this:

clear blue waters

clear blue skies

goggles, buckets, fishnets on the ready. let's fish!

jin was the most determined

snow found a crab

maku wondered why the water made him thirstier

we didn't catch any fish. but that's okay, we'll be back tomorrow right after school - with some fish bait!


JamesL said...

You guys and gals are livin' the life! :-)
Beautiful always. I like the colors in the sea grape photo.

Blur Ting said...

Isn't it wonderful the things you all do together? Reminds me of the days when my kids were younger. Now it's hard to drag them away from the house.

The World According To Me said...

Fab pictures. I wish the sky here was as blue as yours!

Anonymous said...

such beautiful pics... i wish it was that way here!

Mary Smith said...

That looks just amazing. What a beautiful place to live!!!!

bee said...

had time to visit the lake today before leaving for the islands, ...enjoying america, i'll share some photos in a bit :)i love yours