Monday, July 28, 2008

two heads and a foot

We didn't give them any names. Maku, however, has named his left foot Rooster.

Now he wants to paint his toes orange and blue - for a more roosterly appearance. :D

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

back to the familiar

There are no seagrapes in Pennsylvania...just when I was about to change my name to Oaktree jam or something like that...I find myself back here in Florida. We've been back for two weeks now...

that is Snow and Maku...and three 10 year old girls in the water...can you spot them?

I miss my family in Pennsylvania. And this shady spot under my favorite tree where I spent many afternoons finding strength within myself in this journey of single mommyhood.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


picking blueberries from the neighbor's garden

reading John Banville's The Sea

and a picture of a bus just because :)