Saturday, November 3, 2007

veggies and the dewey decimal system

Two hours before bedtime, two little librarians tackled the job of sorting their books. They managed to pull quite a few out of the shelves before I stopped to question their actions. And this is the reply I got: "Mom, you're not supposed to sort books by size. Nature has to be with nature, animals with animals, not board books with board books, and you can't put a stash of thin books together just because they're all thin!" And then this: "I know we shouldn't be doing this now because it is already nighttime why don't you make us eat 4lbs of broccoli."
They're thinking food by the pound now since we weighed our Halloween loot. I gave them about a pound of broccoli, that was all we had. I never use food as punishment, besides this wasn't any form of suffering, steamed broccoli is one of their favorite snacks.
But since they threw the idea out there, I added big chunks of luscious leeks to their peas last night. It was worth a try but they are not yet ready for leeks outside soups.
Now back to sorting books...


Blur Ting said...

Oh, it's their books they would know where to find them if they did the sorting themselves....

Soon, you can leave all the chores to your able assistants!

Anonymous said...

wow..certainly a good way to sort books...but hey..their books right???

The World According To Me said...

I love the angle you have taken the first picture from.

Looks like colourfur, fun, and interesting books. Not filed under their size!

*****Dora:o)***** said... have a librarian in the making...oh I'm so happy about that!