Thursday, November 15, 2007

this weary traveler

After seriously delayed flights, persistent pokes from a little black dog tucked underneath my plane seat, Dave's vertigo, and Maku puking a massive amount of orange vomit on ME, I find myself still recovering from our weekend travel.

Despite all odds, we had an excellent Saturday at Niagara Falls with Granddad, Hal and his family. The children were just thrilled to spend time with their cousins. Hopefully soon, between doctor's appointments and making dough for a relief map project, I can sneak in some time to sort out the photos.


Anonymous said...

oh NO...did you get to enjoy any of it? niagara sounded cool tho...

Kate said...

God, travel with children. What made the puke orange? Cheetos? That would be bad. On the gross-puke scale, that would be, like, a 7. Orange drink? No big deal: 2.
Orange jello?

Unknown said...

Hi, JY.
20 hours of traveling to spend 30 hours in Buffalo, NY (almost half of that time was spent sleeping), we didn't bring the children's birth certificates so we missed the chance to see the falls from the Canadian side but we still had a wonderful time. Really. :)

Unknown said...

You are too funny, Kate.
He was eating a bag of cheese mix (doritos, sun chips, cheetos). The puke had no smell but it went everywhere, it went between the seats and it dripped down the floor. I'm just thankful it happened when there was no little black dog under my seat.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. He puked all over you! Don't you wish we can all travel without having to sit in the plane or bus....

I'm using the hotel's internet station (free) while waiting for customer to pick me up to visit his factory. Haven't seen any real sights yet but will be doing so tomorrow and Monday. Lots of traveling (200km!) to get to the Mekong tour. I hope I don't puke!!

The World According To Me said...

Sorry to hear about the orange runny puke!
Glad you enjoyed Niagra Falls. I look forward to seeing your pics.

Anonymous said...

We loved seeing you guys here in Bflo, cold yes but the falls are not going to move to FL!