Sunday, November 25, 2007

shark specifics

The day before our trip, Maku drew me this.

"I need to bring a toy that can swim, if I accidentally drop it into Mimagra falls, I know it will be okay."

We had to make it to his specifications or potentially lose it forever.

orange - so it could easily be spotted by rescuers
blue eyes - so it could see well under raging waters
no gills - so it could breathe in air during the helicopter lift

Booksie was never dropped into the river but there have been many rescues, some more complex than others. There was a cave rescue that lasted for days with many rescue dogs hurt. Today he was found stuck in a bamboo forest and was rescued by a helicopter. Where would you go if you were a shark with no gills?


Anonymous said...

gosh i think being in a tree is about right....

JamesL said...

What does big sister have to say about having a sharp-toothed, orange skinned, gill-less shark roaming around the house? Montana can't be happy to wake up to loosened shark's teeth lying all about! Brrr!

The World According To Me said...

What a busy life that Shark has had!

Kate said...

You SEW, too? I'm in awe.